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18 March 2020 HOSC Meeting


Patient Transport Services (PTS)

Report on plans to tender PTS (end of contract)

Sussex Integrated Urgency Care Transformation Programme (NHS commissioning)


Colin Simmons (CCGs)


HOSCs will be watching this re-procurement closely given major problems with tender of previous PTS contract


Sussex-wide Review of Mental Health Services for Children & Young People


CCG report on review of YP MH services



Sarah Lotts (CCGs)

Local Response to NHS Long Term Plan

Scrutiny of local responses to NHS LTP (potentially to include scrutiny of CCG annual operating plans for coming year)


Agreed by HOSC Chairs and Adam Doyle



Healthwatch Report on Older Patient Experience of Discharge from RSCH


Monitor implementation of report action plan

Healthwatch BH

HOSC has legal duty to scrutinise local NHS performance

At March 19 HOSC members considered HW report on hospital discharge and agreed to monitor implementation of joint CCG/BSUH/BHCC action plan (autumn 19?)



Jayne Black (BSUH)

Grace Hanley (HASC)


David Liley (Healthwatch)


Additional Activity Spring 2020


04 Feb 2020 Performance Information Group (PIG) meeting (HOSC and HWB members’ informal meeting to discuss performance, work planning etc.)


Date TBC STP HOSC Chairs Meeting (meeting with STP leaders)


HOSC Items 2020/21


15 JULY 2020 HOSC


Establishment of a Joint HOSC (JHOSC) – potentially required for Clinically Effective Commissioning tranche 3 (see below)


BH HOSC is required to join a JHOSC to scrutinise NHS SViS plans that cut across HOSC boundaries

HOSC has legal duty to consult with NHS re: SViS plans

BH HOSC rejected (Jan 19) proposals to join a voluntary JHOSC, but will be required to join a mandatory JHOSC if and when NHS bodies announce cross-boundary SViS plans (e.g. re: CEC tranche 3)


NB: HOSC will need to approve plans for JHOSC, but FC is final BHCC decision-maker


Clinically Effective Commissioning (tranche 3)


CEC is Sussex-wide programme to standardise commissioning and ensure it aligns with best clinical practice


Anticipated referral by CCG (summer 19?)

HOSC has legal duty to consult with NHS re: SViS plans

CCGs have indicated that they anticipate that CEC tranche 3 will include cross-border SViS and will consequently require scrutiny by a joint HOSC (JHOSC) of B&H, East Sussex and West Sussex HOSCs.

Although this will be for a JHOSC rather than HOSC, HOSC will need to determine how it wants to be updated.



Peter  Kottlar, Wendy Hughes, Raheem Anwar (CCGs)

Helena Cox (West Sussex HASC)

Harvey Winder (East Sussex HOSC)


Royal Sussex County Hospital (RSCH): Improving Outpatient Services


BSUH plans to improve OP services

HOSC has legal duty to scrutinise local NHS performance

CQC rates OP services as requires improvement. Improvement planning discussed at March 19 HOSC – HOSC to follow-up and monitor improvement trajectory?



Oliver Phillips (BSUH)

Ben Stevens (BSUH)

Jayne Black (BSUH)




Monitor local performance re: screening (bowel, cervical, breast) and treatment


HOSC has legal duty to scrutinise local NHS performance

CQC identifies local cancer performance as a concern and BH performance re: screening and re: treatment is poor. Report at March 19 HOSC – HOSC follow-up/monitoring?



Becky Woodiwiss (BHCC PH)

Max Kammerling (NHS England)

Ben Stevens/Oliver Phillips/Jayne Black (BSUH)

Lola Banjoko/Dr Alex Mancey-Barratt) CCG




NHS 999


Report on 999 performance

Sussex Integrated Urgency Care Transformation Programme (NHS commissioning)



Colin Simmons (CCGs)

Helen Wilshaw (SECAmb)